
The Surprising Employee Engagement Tool You Need in 2024

It’s a resource you’ve invested in for external audiences. But video has important payoffs internally, too—here’s why.

Most companies view video as the domain of the marketing team. The investment of time and resources that video requires seems like something reserved exclusively for external audiences.

That misconception comes at a cost. In reality, video can have a profound impact for human resource departments and others who communicate closely with employees. Whether it’s creating buy-in for a new policy or effectively onboarding recent hires, you can depend on video to get the message across accurately and memorably.

But how do these teams justify switching to video when they’re used to using tools like email, print or slide decks? It helps to understand the cost those less engaging mediums can exact on your internal communication goals: potentially ineffective information retention, failure to adopt new ideas, and reduced participation, among them.

Ultimately, the advantages make devoting some of your budget to communicating via video a no-brainer. Let’s explore what that positive impact looks like and ideas to get you started.

Persuading your most important audience: your team

Before marketing to external audiences, you need to make sure you can achieve your organization’s mission. And the people responsible for that delivery are your own team—the employees on the front lines, talking to clients, creating products or delivering a service, and making decisions. 

Here are four benefits to using video to communicate strategic plans, leadership messages, training, and more—particularly when it comes to consistently great delivery: 

Video boosts buy-in
There’s no better way to develop your team’s enthusiasm for work than through video. Music, creative footage, and images create a more electrifying message than words on the page can. Plus, using video means you don’t have to depend on the speaking skills of individuals within the team. (Transmitting a message is one thing. Making it inspiring is an exceptional talent not everyone has.)

Video fosters deeper understanding
There’s a whole boom of people self-teaching using online videos. Why? Because video helps deliver information in a dynamic, personal way that people remember. It helps employees or volunteers retain the things they’ve learned. And it scales up your ability to deliver that message to a much larger audience than you could on a one-on-one level.

Video inspires pride
Film stirs emotion. That’s why it’s used by people at all levels trying to win people over to their cause. Like a good film, a well-crafted video can inspire feelings, including pride. And that sense of emotional attachment can lead to higher investment in the company’s mission and the day-to-day work it takes to make it a reality.

Video cultivates a positive work environment
Video can present things in a fun way, and fun boosts culture and promotes positivity. That naturally enhances employee engagement and helps do so consistently, especially when communicating across large groups on multiple occasions. 

When video is worth it 

Video is an investment, to be sure. But there are times when delivering a message via video to your employees offers more value long term, especially given that it can be used for years at a time or easily updated as needed.

Here are some examples of when you should consider using video internally:

  1. Training
    The training, onboarding, safety lessons, and development sessions you deliver can be enhanced (or even replaced) with video. One fantastic example: on long-haul flights you’ll notice that in-person safety walk-throughs have been replaced by video, often using humor to help get the message across. That announcement is now more effective, more uniform, and the investment will last for years. It’s a great example of how video offers an opportunity to create a five-star version of your training session and be able to deliver it every time with just the click of a button. 
  2. Leadership updates
    In today’s workplace, teams are often spread out across multiple locations and working between home and office. Maintaining cohesion for people in this new environment requires thorough communication. Sending leadership updates via video, where you can fine-tune the message and provide visuals to back it up, offers the team a consistent source of information about the company’s strategy, mission, vision, and values. And hearing a leader speak as opposed to just reading what they’ve written has a much greater impact.
  3. Celebrating milestones
    Milestones are cause for celebration, whether the occasion belongs to the whole company or individual teams or employees. Video formalizes and enhances the sense of recognition for achievements and memorializes them too, as they can live on past the date. Business anniversaries, employee appreciation, promotions, and internal awards can all be enlivened and made more special with video.
  4. Year in review
    Completing a year of work is a victory, one that took every team member’s help. A recap video makes the most of honoring those contributions by taking stock. It’s an energizing and exciting way to remember what it took to get there and all that was accomplished along the way. These are great to showcase at employee events, such as the yearly holiday party, or even in front of your external audience.

The bottom line

It’s clear that devoting the same thoughtful approach to communicating with your internal audiences as your external ones is worthwhile. Finding a partner who can help you do so seamlessly helps ensure that you get the highest value from your investment. 

Post Script Productions is an experienced partner to corporations and nonprofits producing complex safety training videos, celebratory milestone videos, and more. Need help thinking through the beginning of an internal video project and want the advice of someone with experience across industries? Get in touch and let’s get started.